Instagram Followers tricks
How you can also gained Instagram Followers from 0 to 5000 in less than 4 months. (Target to reach 100k in next 10 months)Just an overview.
Use hashtags with not more than 50k posts [( you need to select hashtags related to your niche which has less than 50k posts. I suggest going with 10k to 20k hashtags for 1 to 2 months so that people will find your post easily.
If you have more then 50k then you will never rank your photo. because there are already big players fighting to rank with lots of likes to there posts.
TIPS: "You need to select hashtags related to your niche which has less than 50k posts. I suggest going with 10k to 20k posts hashtag for 1 to 2 months so that people will find your post easily.
If you have more then 50k hashtags then you will never rank your posts. because there are already big players fighting to rank with lots of likes to there posts."
If you are not sure which hashtags to use then check your competitors )]
You need catchy Images to share
Use all 30 Hashtags
User will find your Image via Hashtag
User will like the image because it is eye-catchy
When you have lots of likes then the image will come on the top of the Hashtag (You are going to get like from people who view recent posts)
50% Of the users will visit your account because the hashtag is related to your account content
When the user visits & if you make them feel wow with your galary then he/she will follow your account.
NOTE: Beginning is hard so don't give up. The goal should be at least for 3 months to work non stop even if you don't get a single like/follower.
You need to post at least 700 posts. I post 10 images a day and some times nothing. So you should also post 10 to 15 images a day.
Once you have selected a niche do search for your competitors and analyze them. Like how many posts they made and how many followers they have and which hashtags they are using etc.