How to correctly compose the semantic core of the site - Blogging for Beginners learn Seo online free step by step

How to correctly compose the semantic core of the site

I was asked to talk about how to correctly compose the semantic core of the site . But before proceeding to practice, let's discuss whether it is necessary to bother at all in this matter and consider the most common myths and errors.

You know as well as I do that the semantic core (S) of the site is one of the whales on which the site is built . Find any resource for website promotion, and there will definitely be a section on SL. However, this topic is often given too much importance in my opinion.

See for yourself:
The semantic core of the site - myths and delusions

There are at least three main myths about the semantic core of the site.

Myth 1. It is very difficult to create a semantic core of the site . Take a look at the website of any web studio. It will surely indicate that the compilation of SJ is a very complicated and responsible part of the site analysis and SEO promotion, and that only a high-class specialist can perform it. Mere mortals are supposedly not given.

In fact, it is not. Build a semantic core under the force of any competent manager. Moreover, the same manager knows much better about his own company, its goals and objectives, than any outside professional. To do this, it is enough to read a couple of feature articles, deal with KeywordPlanner and Yandex.Wordstat , which is completely simple. It is more difficult, perhaps, to delve into the settings of your own page on Facebook or Vkontakte, but somehow everyone manages to cope with this.

It is much more important to focus on the selection of unique words and phrases. After all, it’s not even clear to SEO that it’s very difficult and very expensive to promote your website according to highly competitive words. If your product or service is not unique, anyway, look for differences, your own UTP and check its relevance for key requests. However, any competent advertiser knows this anyway. Nothing complicated here.

We now live in a time when “popular” and “good” are fundamentally different things. Because any kind of crap that spreads over the Internet at the speed of light becomes popular. 
Jim Carrey, comedian, actor

Myth 2. The semantic core cannot exceed the nth number of words (phrases) . Different sources call different numbers, from 5 - 10, 30 - 50, before hell knows what values. Absolutely baseless statement.

In fact, the number of keywords (phrases) can be completely arbitrary and depends primarily on the subject of the site, its type and size. Any large online store will have on board a syringe of thousands of phrases, and someone's landing page , sharpened for a specific product or service, will cost a couple of dozen phrases.

The general rule here is this: the more low-frequency key phrases, the better . Up to the selection of synonyms, as well as erroneous words and phrases. Promotion of the same site only for high-frequency phrases, and even more so for individual highly competitive words is inefficient, and the cost of such a SEO promotion is very high.

Popularity - fame, exchanged for the coppers. 
Victor Hugo

Myth 3. A competent composed semantic core guarantees getting into the top . Also completely unfounded statement, which does not disdain, dishonest, SEOs, and even large seo companies.

No one in the world can give a 100% guarantee of getting the site to the top. And it depends not so much on a well-composed semantic core, but on many other reasons. And first of all from the constantly changing algorithms of the search engines themselves.

Seo promotion is like guessing on cards . There are fortunetellers more fortunate and shrewd, and there are absolutely none. That's the whole point of seo.

And here is the semantic core? Consider this a correct deck of cards, and how you lay them out depends on your skills and abilities, but again - nothing guarantees. 

How to correctly compose the semantic core of the site

It is usually recommended to start website promotion with the compilation of a semantic core. This is true for the new site. But what if the site exists for a long time? In this case, they first analyze the site , and only then work with the semantic core, if such work has not been done before, or was started to drift. Accordingly, the approach to the compilation of the semantic core will be different.

The network is full of articles about how competently or vice versa illiterately make the semantic core of the site. I see no reason to repeat. I will give you some useful links, which show exactly the competent approach to the compilation of the semantic core of the site . There, everything is so chewed up in detail that it will be possible for any newcomer to seo site promotion.

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