creating a charity foundation site - Blogging for Beginners learn Seo online free step by step

creating a charity foundation site

Design without a designer: how to create a charity foundation website.The best way to keep the memory of good deeds is to repeat them. 

If you have long dreamed of creating a charity foundation site , but do not know where to start, then this article is for you.

You know as well as I do that the website of a charitable foundation is a special case. Approach to the choice of design for this site should be very careful. This is not a platform for the sale of something and not an entertainment resource.

At the same time, the template of the site of a charitable foundation should not be boring and set up in gloomy tones in order to deliberately cause pity in visitors and “crush a tear”.

On the contrary, the design of such a site should look attractive, impress and play on positive feelings.

The main objectives of the charity fund site

The main goals of the site for charity include:

Search for sponsors;
Drawing attention to the social problem.
Principles for creating a charitable foundation site

In fact, the principle of creating a charity foundation site is not much different from creating single-page sites (landing pages), where in the first window a visitor clearly sees and understands the main purpose of the site.

And the attention of visitors is not sprayed, as is often the case, by the mass of vague content scattered on a page, but is focused on the main thing - the main goal of the foundation and brief information about the project.

But the trick is not only in this. It is not enough to simply announce the goals and objectives of the foundation. It is necessary to somehow captivate potential sponsors, briefly explain why it is worth joining the project, to show them their benefits.

Charity comes with open palms, its purpose is to give. 
Pearl buck

Unfortunately, it often happens that charity sites too overload the main page with redundant information that is easily confused, or use numerous, but completely uninformative, presentational phrases.

As a result, visitors have to search for the cherished button for a long time to make donations, or a special form to sign up as a volunteer.

The “Donate” button should be bright and noticeable and at the same time visible immediately, without scrolling the screen vertically.

In addition, the form of payment or registration of volunteers should be simple and without unnecessary fields. No one wants to fill in a long, like a sheet, form with a bunch of data that does not have a direct relationship to the goals and objectives of the foundation.

Take care also that the website of the charity fund has a separate page for the media. There you place press releases, photos, your logo, banners that can be used by print and online publications, bloggers, etc. to write articles about your foundation.

Trust in charity funds sites

Without the confidence of visitors porridge can not cook. This is especially true of charity sites. To date, there are too many fraudulent sites on the network.

To visit you trusted, you must be completely transparent in their goals and intentions. The pages of the site should have complete and visual information, for which funds are collected, where they are received and detailed reports on the funds already received and used for the intended purpose.

The best way to earn trust is to bring social proof of the activity of the foundation. For example, it may be the mention of the fund in the media and social networks, in famous blogs, on large sites, etc.

In addition, a great way to establish yourself as an active and lively site is to constantly publish reports on the work of the foundation and news on the site.

By the way, the news should really be news, not publications of a century ago. The site on which the latest news was published a couple of years ago looks rather sad. As you understand, the credibility of such a site is sharply reduced.

Another important principle, credible visitors - photos of real people. If you use stock photos, then this is a losing option. You will be quickly bitten. In addition, these pictures often look fake, because staged.

Therefore, only real photos, only real people.
How to create a charity foundation website yourself

If you do not understand the intricacies of site building, then to start, the best option would be to use an online site builder. Here you will be provided with not only a completely ready-to-work website, but will also be offered a choice of several thematic templates of the charity foundation site , which are tailored specifically for these tasks.

Advantages of online site builder:

Everything has been done for you! You do not have to start building a site from scratch. There are ready-made professional website templates that work immediately and completely.

No special skills and knowledge required . Everything is intuitive, every housewife will understand.

No need for special programs . Website Builder provides everything you need so that you can fully work with the site right in your browser.

Quick start . For example, according to statistics, 83% of MotoCMS clients launch their sites during the first three days of using the designer.

Competent technical support . They will answer any of your questions and help you solve any problems on the site.

In a special section dedicated to templates of charity sites, you will find:

  • Fashionable solutions for youth organizations.
  • Fresh classics for sites of churches.
  • Black and white versions designed for patient care funds.
  • Multi-color ideas for children's organizations.

In addition, more than 20 widgets and modules are able to simplify your work and to diversify the necessary additions templates charity sites. This and the generator of color schemes, and built-in photo galleries, and widgets for easy and simple adding audio-video files to the site.

As a rule, in addition to news, a blog is placed on the website of the charity foundation, where you will add extensive information about the work of the foundation and subject articles. The site builder has already laid this useful feature.

Special forms for subscribing to the site’s newsletter will also be useful. This has a target audience that is interested in charity.

To the site of a charitable foundation could successfully develop and "unwind" you need special SEO tools for promotion in search engines. In the site builder, this tool is already enabled by default, and it is easy and convenient to use it.

Another important point is the adaptability of your site and its correct display on the screens not only of desktop computers, but also on small smartphones and on large TV screens.

Today it is just a requirement for a modern site. After all, more and more people come to the site from smartphones and tablets. Here it is important not only the adaptability to the screen size, but also the corresponding content of the site.

For small smartphones, it is better to use a concise appearance and limited content filling, that is, do not overload it with information. For large monitors, on the contrary - to provide for the possibility of a beautiful presentation, so that the site is simply not lost on the screen.

And the last, but nonetheless very important point - the order and method of obtaining funds. How to organize this business - you also need to think in advance.

It is possible that the necessary details will be indicated on your website of the charity foundation. Either you use ready-made online payment systems.

How to implement these payment systems on your website and how to protect the information entered by users - all this also needs to be thought out in advance.

We should also consider the design of the site. The title of the article says “Design without a designer. How to create a charitable foundation site . However, this does not mean that you do not need to think about how your site will look.

Using templates from the site designer, you will still customize the color palette, add your own logo, think through the location and the number of necessary blocks on the page.

Make it necessary. Moreover, it is better to look for similar successful websites in advance, look at their design and apply successful finds. Perhaps you should consult a competent web designer.

In any case, templates for website builder will be a great start in your work.
Good luck!

We have been given a great blessing because we are allowed to make aims, for otherwise we could not grow and develop. 

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