What are the techniques to improve your search engine positioning? What can I do to earn a few ranks in Google results? Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind to maximize your visibility on the Internet.
Flash or not flash?
Totally inadvisable! If the flash can create fluid and aesthetic sites, it is still a constraint of size. Heavy, difficult to adjust, a site in flash will indeed be harder to reference than a classic website, that is to say using the HTML language. Indeed, Google is struggling to read the texts on sites in Flash technology, and therefore to understand what your website is dealing! Avoid flash, it's vital!
Homepage: heal your first impression
Gateway and showcase of your site for both the user and Google, it is essential to find the essential and not to be content with a title and a photo. Structure the information, take care of your texts and the ergonomics of the site to obtain a homepage of which you can be proud.
A criterion of weight and yet unknown: the lengths of loading
Analysis criterion increasingly important for Google, the display time of the pages of your site will be determining both in the use that will have the Internet users, its place on the search engines. More reason to avoid sites in Flash ...
The tip of the expert
(Reduce the weight of your photos by opting for less greedy formats (.jpg or .png in particular).
Handle copy and paste with moderation!
More than anything, Google and its robots track duplicate content on the web. So be careful not to be tempted to copy his presentation text to paste it everywhere on the web (directories, specialized sites ...). To know everything about duplicate content and practices to avoid, this site will be useful.
English spoken
Nothing would be more disastrous for the optimization of your SEO than to mix the different versions of your site. Regardless of the number of languages, you can buy a second domain name or simply provide a subdomain such as: https://bestseolearnersblog.blogspot.com/en .
Good use of hypertext links
External links should be used with care. Essential to improve traffic, it should not be forgotten that they are also potential exit doors. A link to the tourist office is not enough, especially since it will inevitably lead your surfer to competing sites. Remember to create, care and regularly maintain a dedicated page to list other sites chosen intelligently.
The tip of the expert
(An external link is never more effective for referencing than when it is accompanied by a presentation text.)
To conclude: know what you are doing!
Because it is a changing and technical environment, the web can scare and discourage the most volunteers. However, you must take care of this essential work tool and ensure that it meets your expectations. Optimal referencing, regular updating, technical evolution, it's up to you to make your site your main success lever. The ball is in your camp !