This is Fiverr Case Study Part 3: Gig ranking, the process of taking order or review, dead gig. First of all, I want to mention I am not an expert of anything but I am sharing everything I tested pata nahi apko koi faida ho ya na ho lakin mana Apna ilm ko share kar ka Apni zimadari pori ke.
Gig Ranking :
Gig Ranking :
As I already mentioned in the last part that you should track your gigs on your main and secondary keywords manually.
Let me tell you how I rank my gigs:
I tracked my gigs for about 2 weeks first gigs are in the newest arrival section on top 10 positions after some time one of my gigs started appearing on big keywords "keyword research" on 3 pages.
yes on the 3rd page now here I planned to take the fake order but I used a different approach to take the fake reviews.
NOTE: profile was totally new profile and with no order but after two months I have 40+ order completed

The approach of taking orders:
Most of the people know me as a designer or freelancer but they are wrong I am a full time working on amazon xD.
Here is the strategy of getting a fake order:
Ask the reviewer to search the main keyword or secondary keyword on Fiverr open top 5 gigs and open your gig from the relevancy section along with the top 5 results now ask the reviewer to send a message to all top 5 gigs and your gig. now reply as soon as you receive the message ask the reviewer to have little chat with all other freelancer and place an order on your gig and leave a 5-star review reason for doing this? do you in amazon, play store, Fiverr all these types of the platform have one thing common guess what? a related section amazon has: people may also like this product play store have: related to this app and Fiverr have: recommended for you now have you everything to get your gig into the "recommended section"? nahi na to bhi ab sono yeh Kasa Hota ha we use this strategy in amazon we add our competitor's product in to add to cart along with our product in order to let amazon also know the buyer is more interested in your product, or buyer feel your product is better
Amazon considers it a positive signal and start showing your product into related section of your competitor's product page.
I use the same method on Fiverr and see my gigs in recommended for you section by the same method
it might be technical to understand but who cracks it will understand what I am trying to achieve.
Dead Gig Method:
Amazon considers it a positive signal and start showing your product into related section of your competitor's product page.
I use the same method on Fiverr and see my gigs in recommended for you section by the same method

it might be technical to understand but who cracks it will understand what I am trying to achieve.
Dead Gig Method:
I have no idea of making dead gig alive but this happened to me on the same account as well
my top gig on the same account is dead and also deranked even I have a 5-star review and 8 orders completed. I always take the risks

After 24 hours I receive one order and one of my previous client also place the custom order and after that day my gig is ranking continuously. Upon analyzing I notice a few things: when my gig have more orders in queue gig ranking increase
When I have more favorites my gig ranking increases.
Changing title, changing category, changing the price , adding offer and having orders in the queue will push the dead gig ta bhio ik gul yad rakho "old is gold" once you old gig ranked no one will derank it untill you will mistakes.