This is fiverr case study Part 2 content: Gig creation and tracking your position while writing part#1 20 orders marked on first gig and now 4 more down. As we discuss in first part how we can find the low competitive high selling niches , keywords.
Never Ever forgot your competitors
I will do +unique word +niche or main keyword+secondly keyword+time (optional)
7/100 = 7% but if there are 10000 gig and you put your 7 gig into 10000 then what is the probability of getting order?
7/10000 = 0.07% ask your self who is the winner? 7% or 0.07% now after putting your all ball in one basket try to find your ball from the basket kasay ? manually search your main and secondly keywords on fiverr and find your gig in newest arrival , relevancy section what next ? who to rank your dead gig ? how to rank your new gig ?
Now here is complete detail guide , tips tricks. First of all your biggest tension is gig images 🥺
Never Ever forgot your competitors

o to your competitors gig at least pick 4 to 5 gigs having good elements in images
yes elements
we are not going to copy anyone gig but we will used inspect element to download gig images and directly drag to photoshop so what element you have required used them on your gig.
yes elements

No 2 Trick
First of all write your main keyword instead of writing complete title and save you gig pros: Your permalink will be save as your keyword and your permalink is short as well
now update your title like this :

now update your title like this :
I will do +unique word +niche or main keyword+secondly keyword+time (optional)
Use your main keyword in start , also use other keywords in description as well
make your description professional.
make your description professional.
Use you niche or main keyword as first tag , and rest of 4 tag will be your top 4 competitors first tag
open top competitors pick the first or most relevant tag and past it in tag section pick only one tag from each gig.
open top competitors pick the first or most relevant tag and past it in tag section pick only one tag from each gig.
Add as much detail as in your gig : add 3 type of packages , add some images of your work , if there is any sample file also attach sample file add questions and answers as well put the keywords in your questions answer as well.
Now publish the gig, but this is old method everyone know this method: As I mentioned in first case study that category is very very important. You can see in above picture my first gig scored 24 orders and the third gig scored 6 and here is an amazing thing, both gigs are on same topic , almost same image , almost same title , same description, but why one gig got 24 orders and other 6 ? category
sometime most people select the wrong category so play wisely you have 7 horses only one win the race lakin maidain ma subko utarna hota ha 

ake 7 gigs on the same topic (low competitive high sale) your probability of getting orders is high 

Now start some calculation :
If there is 100 gigs on xyz keyword and also have decent sales if you put your 7 gigs into those 100 what is the possibily that buyer will pick your gig?
7/100 = 7% but if there are 10000 gig and you put your 7 gig into 10000 then what is the probability of getting order?
7/10000 = 0.07% ask your self who is the winner? 7% or 0.07% now after putting your all ball in one basket try to find your ball from the basket kasay ? manually search your main and secondly keywords on fiverr and find your gig in newest arrival , relevancy section what next ? who to rank your dead gig ? how to rank your new gig ?