Here you'll get 7 Useful Blogger SEO tips in Urdu & English for blogging. is a platform where you need to do everything manually, whether you want to design or customize your blog or optimize your blog with SEO, you need to do all the tasks manually on your own. I wonder if you don't know how to set up your blogger blogs correctly. That's because I know there are many guys who ask me to set up SEO tips and bloggers. On Mobile Phone, Email, Comments and Facebook, I was asked how to set the right SEO for a blogger. I recorded a quick video tutorial about this topic today.
I've already published on this blog the full Blogger SEO Pack 2013 in Urdu. You should also check out my previous Blogger SEO TIPS lessons. But for now, let's start what to do when we start a new blog with Read the top 10 tips and put ASAP into practice.
1. Optimizing Your Blog Post Titles
By default in older blogger templates or some third party blogger templates, the title of the blog is first displayed in the search result pages and the post title appears after the blog title, creating confusion for the searcher and sometimes the searcher cannot see the post title exactly for which he was searching. Because the blog title takes the most space, we always have to display the exact title of the post in the search result pages. And it's very easy to do this, here are the steps to follow:
Login to Blogger >> Template >> HTML >> Proceed
Search this code: <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> (Tip: Use CTRL+F)
Replace the above code with below codes
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == "index"’> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>
2. Change blog theme Headings
Headings are the most valuable HTML tags used in a paragraph to determine a text's value. So in terms of SEO, we use H1 for blog post title and H2 for post titles, and this setting is applied by default to WordPress websites; but the problem is with blogger; blogger adds H3 in default templates to the post title. We must therefore at least promote the post title headings from H3 to H2. To do this, please follow the following tips:
Go to Blog Template and then HTML >> Proceed.
Search for H3 and from the CSS to HTML change all 8 or 9 H3 tags to H2. That’s all and save the template
Label links are the tags used by Blogger, they are called "Tags" in WordPress. We use these tags in Blogger to improve user navigation. For search engines crawlers, they most often create problems because a URL is accessed both from labels and from their respective URL (Permalink). We, therefore, need to change them to their respective HTML attributes and tell search engines that this is not the actual URL but a tag. To do this, follow the tips below:
Go to Blog Template > HTML >> Proceed
Search for This piece of Code:
<a expr:href=’data:label.url’
Replace it with this:
<a expr:href=’data:label.url’ rel=’tag’
Save Template and that’s all for Labels.
Note: If rel=’tag’ already exists then don’t change anything, leave it as it is.
4. Enable Meta Description & Post Search Description
You can now write a description for our blog home page and for every single post with the new blogger interface. But first of all, in the new blogger interface, we'll have to enable this option. So fast to do this:
go to your Blog’s Setting >> Search Preferences >> Meta Tags >> Enable >> Yes and write a maximum of 150 letters meta description for your blog and save it.Now below the page find custom robots header tags. and enable it with this setting showing in the picture below: Save Changes and that’s all for meta description tags.
By enabling this option you will be able to write a meta description for each of your new post. This is called search meta description. Having enabled this option you will see a small box named [search description] next to every new post sidebar so you can write 130 to 150 characters unique search description for every individual post. This should be unique from the post title.
5. Optimizing Blog Archives
This is another problem with blogger blogs. Archives pages (if they are shown in home page) make problems for search robots. So if you want to get rid of this problem then just follow the given steps below:
Go to Blog’s Template >> HTML >> Proceed
Search for this piece of Code
<a class=’post-count-link’ expr:href=’data:i.url’>
Replace above code with one below:
<a rel=”archives” class=’post-count-link’ expr:href=’data:i.url’>
Save template and that’s all done about Archives.
6. Change the Static Meta Description
You can see some newly added SEO options in Blogger's new interface, including dynamic meta description for single posts and blog description. But the old static meta description code may have some or many of the blogger custom templates. So we need to change the old code with the new one to make things right. To do this, follow the steps given:
Go to Blog’s Template >> HTML >> Proceed
Just below the <head> tag insert below code
<b:if cond=’data:blog.metaDescription != ""’>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.metaDescription’ name=’description’/>
3. Save template and that’s all for changing meta tags.
7. Adding a Custom Robot.txt file
This is an option for a bit of advance. Use this option carefully if you are unable to use it properly, then do not use it. Because in minutes it can destroy the ranking of your blog. However, everybody benefits from the correct use of this option. Just follow the following tips to add a Custom Robot.txt file to your blog template:
Go to Blog’s Setting >> Search Preferences >> Below the page finds Custom Robot.txt as showing in below image.
First, enable this option and the yes so the box will appear. Copy below code and paste it in that box.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Allow: /labels
Allow: /
Allow: /sitemap.htm
Save the changes and use your own blog address to change the sitemap URL. That's all for robot.txt custom. And finally, you did all the SEO steps you needed for your blog. Now if you've done everything perfectly, you'll see the visitor change.