Web Positioning or Adwords SEO vs SEM - Blogging for Beginners learn Seo online free step by step

Web Positioning or Adwords SEO vs SEM

The truth is that there is no confrontation between SEO and SEM, between paying to advertise and making a marketing investment, or making an investment in the short, medium or long term, with the hope that the work of web positioning will end up being reflected in the income statement of your company.
Web Positioning or Adwords SEO vs SEM


Advertising in the search engine of google (or facebook, youtube, etc ...) is based on the immediacy of results. In that, the announcements are offered with a clear orientation to those that look for a product or service, and Google offers that service to them or product (most of the times), the reason why it is not a bad strategy of marketing online .


The SEM has that 'opportunistic' factor and those qualities must not be underestimated, together with affordable costs and undeniable results, so, there is no more to say, is not adwords hired without hesitation?.

Well, it is not so simple either, because an adwords campaign , with normal competition, and running several hours a day, can provide a few thousand visits per month at a cost of between € 20 to € 50 a day, and that is quite a lot of money.

Now, if 2000 or 3000 visits give you a few dozens of sales (being optimistic), at a cost of about € 1000 or € 2000 per month. Does it really make up?

Well, if you sell ink and toner cartridges "at an economic price", and if, for example, each click on your ad costs you almost one euro, you are not interested, but if you sell saunas at € 3000 on average, the numbers are very clear.


Nor should we forget that we must convince the visitor, that our product should not only be attractive and economical, but that we should make a good impression on the visitor, and that is where the website comes into play, where good design and brand functionality the difference between getting visits, and getting clients (which in the end is what it is).


On the other hand, we have SEO services of natural positioning, which aims to convince search engines that our page deserves to appear among the first results.

This work requires time, a lot of time, and an economic investment with the hope that, once our page appears frequently when consultations are made about what we sell, the visits report clients and benefits, and that final investment in the hiring of an SEO agency , be amortized with the subsequent long-term benefits.

It is about investing in marketing and contemplating both alternatives ( SEO and SEM ) and, even, to combine advertising campaigns while establishing good bases for positioning, while creating market and reputation, and a slow process is carried out and professional web positioning that will guarantee a constant flow of visitors with little subsequent investment.

Maybe it is a discussion in which there is a third alternative, that of social marketing, but what did you think? What companies should stop doing commercial work, even the 'of a lifetime'? ... ERROR.

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