There are many types in the industry and millions of fonts. And that's why we have to be careful when choosing the font. I'll go here with free fonts. Some other fonts that are good for blogging are:
Yeah, not every font is good for your website.
A BAD font can destroy all of your efforts. You need to know how to select the right font for your blog. It depends on a number of things. We need what works best for your blog content and SEO rankings factors (user involvement).
Here are some best Google Fonts - Free ones! Here is the infographic
- Playfair Display with Source Sans Pro.
- Merriweather with Oswald.
- Montserrat with Merriweather.
- Roboto
- Old Standard TT
- Raleway with Lato.
- Bitter
- Elsie with Roboto.
- Merriweather
- Dancing Script with Josefin Sans.
- Abril Fatface with Roboto.
- Corben with Nobile.
You Need to Know
- which fonts are the easiest to read
- which is the most attractive font
- which font is best for website content
- which is the most attractive font
- what is the hardest font to read too